New Construction
The new Construction Division of U.S. Legacy deals exclusively with residential and light commercial property projects. Our team of creative architects and experienced engineers work together to design your custom home and provide updates every step of the way: from laying the foundation to handing you the key. Each project is catered solely to the specifications of the client while using sustainable materials and innovative architectural solutions.
Additionally, our newly built homes and condos serve as excellent investment opportunities for both landlords and property developers alike. Not only will these residential constructions allow for the potential to reap passive income from renters but stands as the most reliable form of investment in the industry.

Acquisitions & Dispositions
Our client-centric vision and extensive market experience in the real estate industry helped us earn our reputation as a trusted national leader. These are the exact reasons why we can provide professional property acquisitions and disposition services. Our clients, whether institutions or individuals, receive advice and assistance through every engagement in negotiation and transaction processes.
Buying or Selling, U.S. Legacy’s real estate advisors carry out property evaluations, market analysis, and pro-formal forecasts so our clients always get the better end of the deal. Once the time comes for the transaction, we are also able to provide legal support associated with the Acquisition/Disposition.
Property Valuations
Evaluating the present and future value of the property is an essential part of any transaction; not just in the real estate market. Whether you are buying or selling a property, U.S. Legacy evaluates these residential and commercial properties on behalf of those we represent in order to determine its current market value as well as the factors that play into the price.
Full Valuation Service includes:
- Real Estate Market Value
- Rehabilitation Estimate
- Summary of the Property’s Condition
- Rent Setting

Feasibility Studies
To ensure our clients are not assuming the unnecessary risk when acquiring an investment property, our real estate analysts at U.S. Legacy carry out feasibility studies that provide financial insight into the future of any given property and, ultimately, it’s profitability. Numerous factors such as technical, legal, economic, and geographic factors are ascertained when assessing the risk/reward relationship that comes with the property of interest. If the property you aren’t interested in is not a good fit for your investment goal, we can direct you toward a property that fits your criteria more suitably.
Draw Inspections
Once a project has entered from the drafting/planning phase to the implementation phase, the property developer must make sure their processes and plans are in accordance with state and federal regulations as well as meet other required specifications to deem the property habitable.
U.S. Legacy has the tools necessary to perform draw inspections for any project you need verified. These include checking with the legislature as well as setting your expectations for realistic budgets and timelines.

Estimation Services
Real Estate investments are proved to be one of the most reliable forms of investment, however, they can still possess some financial risks. But, you’re in luck! U.S. Legacy’s team of professional estimators and real estate analysts have the tools and experience necessary to estimate the worth of your property as well as pinpoint any risks associated. Our Estimation Team consults our clients with the different approaches needed to minimize these risks. Their purpose is to provide an investor with an independent assessment of how the investment will react to changing market conditions as well as how well the property will hold on to its current value. U.S. Legacy can provide the following insights:
- Current Market Conditions
- Future Analytics
- Risk Assessment
- Estimated Rates of Return
- Project Estimates